As the school year follows its familiar rhythm, we were thrilled to once again host the highly anticipated German Reading Competition. This event proved to be a splendid celebration of language and culture, sparking a renewed passion for learning German among our students. The competition not only showcased their linguistic talents but also served as a vibrant reminder of the joy that comes with exploring new languages and cultures. It was an inspiring and enriching experience for all involved, and we look forward to continuing this tradition in the years to come!
This year’s German reading competition has been a remarkable showcase of our students’ progress in the language. From flawless pronunciation to expressive emotions, from deep understanding to fluid expression, every detail demonstrated the dedication and effort our students have invested in their German language journey. The competition was not only a chance to test knowledge but also a powerful reminder of the growth achieved through perseverance and passion.
A special highlight of this event was the involvement of last year’s champion, who returned as a student judge. Alongside our panel of teachers, they evaluated the performances, helping to pass on the excitement for German reading to a new generation of students. This passing of the torch is a testament to the lasting impact of the competition and its role in inspiring students to cont
The Primary School German Reading Competition, held on December 2nd, was a delightful celebration filled with joy. Our young students brought German texts to life with their tender voices, captivating the audience with one fascinating story after another. In a creative twist, German reading books were awarded as prizes, encouraging students to explore even more of the German language and its rich literary treasures.
Then, on December 5th, the middle school competition venue buzzed with energy and excitement. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation as students showcased their skills, but a German tongue twister interactive session offered a moment of fun amidst the intensity. Participants tackled tricky tongue twisters, testing their pronunciation while providing a lighthearted break. Every student demonstrated exceptional proficiency in the language, impressing both judges and peers with their fluent readings and witty performances.
Through the successful execution of this year’s German reading competition, we hope to inspire all our students to continue their journey with German, uncovering even more linguistic and cultural treasures along the way. The event served as a vibrant reminder that learning a language is not just about acquiring knowledge, but also about celebrating the joys of growth, creativity, and community.
© Hübschmann Zhan Educational Group 2019 - 2023