The oral exams for the MSA exam were scheduled for the last week of May. After the written exams in February, this was the last challenge for getting an MSA certificate.
We started off early on Monday to depart from Shenyang Airport. When we arrived in Shanghai, a bus from the German School Shanghai picked us up. We checked into the same hotel as in February, so we were already familiar with everything and it was also close to the school.
On Monday and Tuesday, we spent a lot of time studying. Five students had chosen the oral exam in history, one in physics. We were relatively free to choose the subjects, as long as they were not the same with our written exam topics.
On Wednesday, the time had finally come! Between 8:00 AM and 12:30 PM, we were examined one after the other. Each of us had 20 minutes of preparation time in the so-called preparation room. Here, we received the questions for the first part of the exam, which covered the first 10 minutes of our examination. These 20 minutes passed quite quickly, but it was enough time to prepare. From the preparation room, we were taken to the examination room. The examination committee was already seated there, consisting of the examination chair, the examiner, and the recorder. The first part of the exam mainly consisted of the presentation we had prepared based on the questions from the preparation room. For the second part, we were asked some questions about other topics from the school year, which we had to spontaneously answer. The time passed a bit faster than we expected, but everyone made it through. In the evening, we had a small party together, played UNO, and had a lot of fun!
On Thursday, as a reward for our efforts, we went to Disneyland! The main attraction here was Zootopia. The park itself is divided into six parts. Right after entering, you find yourself on "Mickey Avenue," a small town for various Disney characters. Then you walk directly towards the large Disney castle, surrounded by a maze of hedge plants (Garden of Imagination). The remaining four parts are all arranged in a circle around the castle. We saw everything and visited many rides; we especially liked the TRON roller coaster, which we rode multiple times. At the end of the day, three students from class 10, along with Mr. Bauer, braved an approaching rain shower to walk from TRON to Zootopia, located on the other side of the park, to get a giant ice cream. After waiting for almost an hour, they had their giant marshmallow chocolate ice cream and began the walk back, still happy despite getting completely soaked in the rain.
On Friday before our departure, we gathered at the school one last time. Here, we received the final grade overview from the middle school coordinator, Ms. Türk: we all passed!! It was a good feeling with which we began our journey back home to Shenyang. With the Intermediate School Certificate on our résumés, we have achieved our first school graduation, providing us with many options for our further educational paths.
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