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HuZ School | An encounter across time. | 
Jun  11, 2024

Museums act as custodians of culture and bridges between generations. They are essential institutions for preserving and passing down human civilization. To honor their significance, May 18th is celebrated as International Museum Day. On May 17th, students from Hübschmann · Zhan School visited the Liaoning Provincial Museum to engage in a dialogue with history and immerse themselves in the profound essence of Chinese culture.

The unique learning experience at the museum allows students to personally feel the charm of history. Liaoning Provincial Museum, the first museum established after the founding of the People's Republic of China, houses nearly 120,000 cultural relics, including tens of thousands of precious items. Its collection spans over 20 categories, such as calligraphy, painting, silk embroidery, bronze, and ceramics. Both Chinese and German students lingered at the exhibits, exploring the development of civilization up close and deepening their understanding of ancient China.

Seeing the exhibits of various sizes, intricate patterns, and exquisite designs, the students couldn't help but marvel at the wisdom of the ancients. With cultural relics displayed right before them and delicate exhibits within reach, everyone turned into curious learners, eagerly seeking answers as they listened, observed, and discussed. This experience allowed us to connect with historical artifacts through a blend of cultural exploration and discovery.

The stamp collection activity was also very popular. As students placed stamps on the blank pages of their collection books, they were also imprinting this meaningful museum visit in their hearts. In that moment, history transformed from an abstract concept of a distant era into a tangible work of art right before them. We look forward to more cultural encounters in future field trips of Hübschmann · Zhan School!

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