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Finally vacation! | HuZ School
Feb  07, 2021

The last five weeks of the first semester took place under special circumstances, homeschooling. All the students, teachers and parents have achieved great things and given each other a lot of support.

The break during the Chinese New Year will offer some time to refresh.

Face-to-face classes were impossible on the last day of the first semester, February 5th, 2020. Our headmaster, Mr. Hillisch and his deputy, Mr. Posch, set out to personally distribute all certificates and school uniforms to students.

If the circumstances allow at the beginning of March, there will be a ceremonial introduction of the school uniform at the HuZ International School in the first weeks of the second semester.

With the pictures of distribution of certificates and school uniforms, we wish everyone a relaxing holiday and look forward to seeing each other again at school at the beginning of March.

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