• Two curriculum systems.
• Integration of Chinese and Western culture.
• We deliver a trilingual education system.
• Small- sized classes covering academic studies.
At HuZ School, we offer both the German and International curriculums placement to our students. Each route depends on a combination of their nationality,prior learning,interests, future choice of country destination for higher education,potential career interests, and continual assessment of their learning.
Huz School believes that children should not be grouped exclusively according to language; all Chinese students will have many opportunities to play and learn with students from around the world.
Huz School will divide study into three stages according to students' ages.HuZ School has a complete objective and teaching system for each stage in our school. Within the three stages, we pay more attention to continuity and the flow of the courses along with the integration of Chinese and western courses. The design of compulsory courses, elective choices, and extra-curricular activities enables students to have accessto 20 courses at the same time. These enrich students’ vision capabilities and opens up their future educational directions. Class size is capped at 20 students and managed by both Chinese and international teachers to ensure every child receives special attention and real space for growth.
Due to HuZ School's unique Education Blending System we are able to provide all of our students with multiple overlapping integrated language acquisition and language development opportunities. These are provided within both of HuZ School's sections and across the sections. For Chinese nationals there is a gradual move from a large proportion of the curriculum being taught in Chinese towards the largest proportion being taught in German or English. For International students, English and German are the main languages throughout the School. Alongside these we provide excellent development opportunities in Chinese language and in-depth experiences of Chinese culture.
© Hübschmann Zhan Educational Group 2019 - 2023